Dr. Mira Niculescu

Dr. Mira Neshama Niculescu is a Paris -born scholar and teacher of Jewish spirituality and meditation. She received her Doctorate in Sociology of Religion from the Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, while learning Torah at the Drisha Institute for Jewish Studies in New York, at Matan and at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, where she earned a certificate of Experiential Jewish Education as a Yesod European Leader Fellow. 

A certified Jewish Mindfulness Teacher from the Institute for Jewish Spirituality, she currently lives in Jerusalem where she learns as a rabbinic fellow at Beit Midrash Har’El, and teaches Torah and Jewish meditation for the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, Or HaLev, and Applied Jewish Spirituality (AJS). A Jewish Educator for Moishe House, and at various institutions in Europe and in the United States, and a regular contributor to French Jewish medias Akadem, Tenou’a, JewPop and L’Arche, she lectures internationally about Torah, Jewish Spirituality and Jewish Meditation. A proponent of Peace making through friends making, she is involved in Holy Local Aliens and Mabad-Mibad, two grassroots initiative of young Jewish Christian and Muslims  inhabitants of the Holy Land.

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Roots is to Israel what an oasis is to the desert: a vital drop of hope. I was so touched when I first heard about what brought together Jewish settlers and Palestinian residents of the Gush:  the acknowledgment that it is not the Land that belongs to the People, but the People to the Land. I believe that only from such pragmatic paradigm shifts can we learn to live together side by side with mutual respect, understanding, and perhaps more! In the current desert of ignorance, fear, and hatred, the work of Roots’ members is just like an Oasis: it may seem like a dream, but it is very real.
— Dr. Mira Niculescu