The first step in creating an Atidna chapter on your campus is contacting the current president of Atidna International. That individual is Elijah Kahlenberg, the founder of Atidna International, whose email is Just for clarification, Atidna International is the central organization of the Atidna world. Atidna International possesses the role of overseeing individual campus branches. Individual chapters are subsequently referred to by the name “Atidna at (name of university).” For example, our first university branch, which was created at the University of Texas, is called “Atidna at the University of Texas.” Atidna officers will help you with the necessary documentation most universities require to properly file to create an organization, such as an organization constitution; however, there are some basic requirements Atidna International requires before filing to create a chapter.

The first requirement, as Atidna International is a joint Arab and Jewish organization, is to possess peoples of both backgrounds in the ranks of the chapter’s prospective officers. Once such prospective officers are acquired, please inform Elijah Kahlenberg, President of Atidna International ( If this criteria cannot be met easily, then Atidna International will help a prospective Atidna chapter reach out to university faculty to either find a student to fit this aforementioned criteria or to work with local campus organizations to find such students. It is also recommended, but not required, that an Atidna chapter have a faculty sponsor. Sponsors are not required but heavily encouraged.

The second requirement is to work with us in creating a constitution which fits your schools requirements to become an official university organization. If you have any other questions about the general application process for creating an Atidna chapter at your university, simply contact Elijah Kahlenberg (

The third requirement is to agree to work with organizations affiliated with Atidna to bring them to your campus for peace events or dialogues. Atidna International is affiliated with peace-making groups in the Holy Land, such as Roots-Judur-Shorashim. We will work with you to bring some of their Israeli and Palestinian activists to campus for peace events.

The fourth and final requirement is to simply agree to be listed on the official Atidna International site as a chapter of our organization. We currently have plans for chapters in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, hence please feel free to reach out from one of these three countries to establish your own, local Atidna chapter.

Atidna International is not a politically motivated organization. No candidates in Palestinian/Israeli politics will be officially endorsed by Atidna International nor will any forms of solutions to the conflict be endorsed by Atidna International; however, Atidna International officers are allowed to freely discuss such topics inside and outside of Atidna spaces as long as they state they are not speaking on behalf of Atidna International.