The Roots academic council is a growing group of university instructors and private researchers from around the world who have come out publicly in support of Roots and do what they can to spread the news and support the work of Roots. Many of them have hosted our speakers at their institutions or brought their students to visit our Dignity Center.
Dr. Ben Mollov
Bar-Ilan University
“Roots is to Israel what an oasis is to the desert: a vital drop of hope. I was so touched when I
first heard about what brought together Jewish settlers and Palestinian residents of the
Gush: the acknowledgment that it is not the Land that belongs to the People, but the People
to the Land. I believe that only from such pragmatic paradigm shifts can we learn to live
together side by side with mutual respect, understanding, and perhaps more! In the current
desert of ignorance, fear, and hatred, the work of Roots' members is just like an Oasis: it
may seem like a dream, but it is very real.”