Hadassah Froman 

Hadassah, a Roots founder, is a pioneer Jewish-Muslim peace activist who lives in the settlement of Tekoa. She was born and raised in Kibbutz Lavi in the Galil. She served in the army and went on to study education at Hebrew University. Hadassah has worked as a schoolteacher and adult educator. She now focuses much of her teaching on the Zohar, the foundational text of Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah).

Hadassah is the wife of the late Rabbi Menachem Froman and joined him in forging connections with Palestinian leaders for over thirty years until his death in 2010. She carries on his legacy through her commitment to peace efforts, spreading his poetry and teachings to young people in schools and in the army.  She believes firmly in the importance of forging relationships with the Other: "To merit living in this country we must chose life and see the spark of God in everyone. We must remove the barriers between us and create a bridge, because anything is possible but it depends on us."



